A lot of people question the possibility of using dog doors within their Crimsafe doors on the Gold Coast and there’s no one straight answer. Installing a dog door can jeopardise the security of your home but it really does depend on the size of the door. A door installed for medium and large dogs may just provide enough room for a burglar to enter a property – especially if it is big enough for a small adult or teenager to crawl through. Doors for smaller dogs however don’t provide as much access and they can function well within screen doors.
Before you go installing a dog door in your Crimsafe screen doors, there are a few things to remember.
• Crimsafe does not recommend the installation of pet doors.
• Your security level is downgraded when you modify the security door with any hole or opening.
• Your Crimsafe screens will no longer comply with Australian Standards and will no longer be considered a security device.
It is worth noting that a small pet door installed within your Crimsafe screens will still make your home safer than having no security screens installed at all.
Why are pet doors not considered safe?
If an intruder wants to enter your home, they will find any way they can to get in, and unfortunately, pet doors do offer them an opportunity to enter. You do need to be on high alert and close your glass or timber doors when you leave the room or the house. This, of course, renders your pet door unusable.
Small doors are generally impossible for an adult or even a young teen to get through, however, doors that are made for medium and large dogs (and cats) can make it much easier to enter through. Essentially, if a small person could fit through the door, your home is no longer secure. On the other hand, a larger pet door does indicate you have a bigger dog which could, in itself, be a deterrent as well.
Can Crimsafe screens withstand animals?
Crimsafe screen doors are more durable, and tougher than other security screens on the market, able to endure daily wear and tear as well as hostile or intended attacks. This wear and tear includes that caused by curious dogs and cars. If you have a pet, you know that screens are perfect for getting little claws stuck, and with traditional flyscreen door or nylon screens, they are easily damaged.
With Crimsafe however, this isn’t an issue. Due to the thickness of the screen, as well as how tough it is, you aren’t going to have your screens ripped or gaining holes due to your animals.
Is a pet door better than keeping your doors open for your pet?
Absolutely 100% installing a pet door inside your Crimsafe screen is going to keep your home far safer than leaving your door open.
If you are using Crimsafe screens and doors on your other doors and windows, you can still enjoy the security that Crimsafe brings to your home and your family.
Made to measure
If you are still wanting to install a dog door in your Crimsafe screens on the Gold Coast, it’s essential to have a chat with us when we come to give you a quote. Crimsafe screens and doors are made to measure, and we can work with you to provide any additional requirements that you need for your home, your family, and your lifestyle.
At Securelux, our experienced team have the knowledge to work with what you need. We’ll be able to suggest options for you to ensure that your pets still have access to your home.
Contact our friendly team today to discuss your Crimsafe screen and door needs on the Gold Coast.
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